
Sat 28Oct

Improv Theater

Improwasation shows are here. Come and enjoy!

Doors: 20:00

Shows: 21:00

TICKETS 15€ / 10€

More info:


Mixer Team is a team put together especially for the festival from the workshop teachers and festival improvisers. International improv players get to come together on stage to play with one another, for the first time!

Intopiukeet tuo lavalle erilaisia tapahtumia, näkymiä, otteita, ja mietteitä. Näkymät ovat osa Intopiukeiden matkaa ja osa katsojien matkaa. Näillä otteilla päästään kurkistamaan erilaisiin tilanteisiin eri ihmisten tai olentojen maailmassa.

Stuck is a musical duo show performed by Kaisa Kokko and Julia Petäjä from Finland. Stuck tells a story of two women stuck in place and time. This will give them the chance to reflect their past and dream of the future. Audience is invited to come along on this journey that dives into the lives of these two women.

In hard times, when the danger is around, even the toughest brothers could be in a difficult position. When these two went on an adventure, as always, they didn’t think they would have such a rough experience. But the obstacles they have to face remind them their common past, and create an occasion to look for the different options toward the mist of the future. Will they survive to their travel? How they will be changed? Jump in the crazy world of the two Frenchmen, watch the story of the two brothers, and follow them through time and space! Based on a lot of mime work, space work and soundeffects, Two Brothers on an Adventure is a strong relation-based story using time- and spacejump.

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