Fort Big Band feat. Peter Asplund (SWE)

Sat 21Mar

A modern Ostrobothnian big band, Fort big band, performing with Swedish trumpet soloist Peter Asplund.

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Fort big band is a band with members from the Ostrobothnian region. They are famous for their high profile projects for many years and this time the band will have one of the best known trumpet players in Scandinavia, Peter Asplund, as their guest. He’s known for his elegant and virtuous playing and has many years of both guest performances and playing in his own bands. Peter will bring his own arrangements made for him by Swedish arrangers that feature him both as a trumpet soloist and singer and he will also conduct the band.  With high quality music and excellent performance the band invites you to an entertaining evening celebrating the Doo-bop club´s 25-year anniversary.



As part of the 25-year anniversary weekend this concert is a bit more expensive than normal.

The prices are:

20€ (normal)/15€ (students, pensioners)/10€ (members)


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